Vampires. They are probably the most attractive supernatural creatures used in literature and cinema. Or at least the most popular ones, from classics like Dracula and Nosferatu to new handsome devils. While big budgeted Hollywood franchises attract younger audiences to cinemas I, myself, have a different approach on this topic. I cannot comment on books or films that I haven't read or watched , but I prefer smaller stories or maybe, let's say personal struggles of immortal creatures. There is some sort of romance about their alienation, living on other people or not dying which I find sad, mostly. And I love sad stories.
1. Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)

2. Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In, 2008) - Sweden

Although there is a newer, Hollywood remake of this film, I still prefer the original Swede version. I think this film reflects the atmosphere of the place which makes it calm but effective and this is why the remake failed to set the mood. The film is about the little, innocent love story between two children, Oskar and Eli. But the truth is, Eli is a vampire and learning this secret affects Oskar and the relationship of the two neighbours. What I really like about this one is again, the atmosphere and the courage of taking the bloodthirsty monster into a safe place, into a child's body. I know this is a book adaptation and I plan to read it soon.
3. Bakjwi (Thirst, 2009) - South Korea

What did Chan-Wook Park do before moving up to Hollywood and after Oldboy's fame? A vampire film, that's what. So it's been a while since I've last watched this film but what stuck with me was a perfect cinematography (as always) and the disturbing feeling (again, as always). The struggles of a priest, turning into a vampire with a thirst for blood and flesh and the moral side of the story is seasoned with a little bit sexual content. Perfect friday night film for me.
4. Byzantium (2012)

5. Nochnoy Dozor (Night Watch, 2004) - Russia

This last one is a bit different from the others, as it is not exactly a vampire film and it centers around bigger events not personal tragedies. In short, this is about the battle between the forces of good and evil. 'Others' are people with supernatural powers who choose either light and become Night Watch or dark and become Day Watch. The truce between dark and light is treatened with a vampire attack to a child while the main character, Anton is running around trying to do his duty. As I said, it is not exactly a vampire film but there's quite a lot of people feeding on blood and some details like 'gloom', somewhere only 'others' can see or characters like Zavulon (I'm attracted to clever villains) makes it very enjoyable to watch. Oh, and it continues (Dnevnoy dozor, 2006).
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